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What are the best smart home upgrades in Seattle?

February 05, 2024
Person pressing button of smart doorbell camera

Would you like a video doorbell that alerts you when a delivery arrives but also recognizes threats and dissuades them? Or what about a smart thermostat that can actually pick up on your preferred temperatures and automatically manage your home’s settings? These types of implements might have seemed implausible in the recent past but are readily available today. Explore these and other smart home upgrades in Seattle and get inspired to implement your own advanced security system.

Doorbell cameras in Seattle offer more than just a view

A doorbell camera in Seattle is intended to provide a direct sightline to your doorstep. While most models satisfy this fundamental requirement, there are more high-tech options that will take your safety and convenience to greater heights. Here is a sampling of the amazing things the latest video doorbells can do:

  • Recognize the difference between delivery people, threats, packages, animals, and cars.
  • Actively discourage prowlers with audible and visual alerts.
  • Provide a complete 180-degree x 180-degree range of view.
  • Provide high resolution and infrared night vision.
  • Provides the opportunity to view but also communicate with people via two-way audio.

Many outside surveillance cameras also offer features like advanced processing to distinguish threats and active crime prevention to frighten off lurkers. You can even designate the specific areas you wish the surveillance equipment to protect, helping to minimize false alarms. And you can get access into the video feed whenever you want, straight from your mobile app.

Connected home safety alarms offer another layer of defense

Carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are essential to protect your family against standard threats. But what if you were able to incorporate these components into your home security system and connect them to a 24-hour monitoring team? It’s now possible! If one of your safety alarms goes off, your monitoring experts will know right away. They will confirm the emergency and can reach out to emergency services while you prioritize getting your family members to a safe area.

Smart thermostats offer savings and convenience to Seattle

Do you have your thermostat at one temperature at all hours, no matter if you are home or not? The days of wasting valuable energy are done. By installing a smart thermostat, you can implement a modern tool that adjusts on its own by learning your preferences and your location. If you’re not home, it will change the settings to reflect that. You can also update your heaing and cooling levels any time you want with your mobile app if you prefer to be in charge.

Keyless smart locking systems provide a range of perks

A popular smart home upgrade in Seattle, smart door locks are an essential part of your comprehensive system. You can set them to secure at specific times each day so you have one less task to handle before bed. You can even designate specific codes for loved ones and friends, so you know precisely who's going into your home. Short-term codes may be set for neighbors or service providers. For increased safety, you can program locks to automatically disengage any time a safety alarm triggers, offering a quicker departure from your home.

Reach out to Vivint to get the best smart home upgrades in Seattle

You can incorporate all of these smart home upgrades in one cohesive system by contacting the home security specialists at Vivint. Our modern components will deliver an enhanced level of security and convenience to your home. Place a call to (206) 590-6257 today to start customizing your new system.